It is slightly annoying how every time you open the game "Whats new" pops up. It would be great the first time after an update but not every single time you open the game.
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636 FlexNoTape
@AndrewGarrison I tried again and pressed the Wifi button looking thing and it didn't work. I think it could be a Game saave problem. I'm not sure though, It seems as if my crafts just revert to last saved. but I can't be sure on that.
636 FlexNoTape
@AndrewGarrison A big 'X' That sounds good. Yes I did but can't remeber if I did it with the Button.
Dev AndrewGarrison
Thinking about this more, maybe it's not clear that the button in the top right of the What's New panel collapses it. Maybe it should become a big 'X' while the panel is open.
Dev AndrewGarrison
This actually sounds like a bug. Did you collapse the What's New panel? If so, it is supposed to stay collapsed until the next update. Let me know if that's not working.
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This is fixed.