Ok, this isn't exactly a bug, but I do not know how else to send a feedback/support/feature request.
If I create a maneuver node or click on it:
It is centered, editable, the details open in the panel, and the node editing tools show up.
But if I'd like to edit the maneuver while focused on another thing - eg a planetary body - then I can't do that. As soon as I click or r-click on anything else; I lose the editing ability from both the panel and on-screen.
I'm wondering if I'm missing something? Is there some magic button combo or weird mouse click that can give me a camera centered on a body but the maneuver still being active/editable?
If not, please consider extracting the node editing part of the panel into a separate panel that can stay on-screen (eg pin it).
Awesome, thank you very much, this is a lifesafer!