There's no good way to update old designs without having dozens of versions of the same craft published. I used to delete the old designs but it was nice to have them as a backup or just to take a look at the evolution of the design.
What about adding the posibility of unlisting published crafts and not only deleting them? And even been able to merge the new design with the last unlisted one easily?
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507 swope
@pedro16797 - ok. I think old versions in git are essentially ignored until someone has a reason to dig into the history.
I think it would be cool to get notifications like, "the author of this craft has uploaded a new version!"
Dev Pedro
@swope I think that me or firefox suggested making this work like git, this post is just asking for a "Unlist" button
507 swope
I'm sure Andrew will git right on craft versioning! I'm sure this has been suggested before.
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@swope sure, or just push it to new again if it's updated