The wheels couldn't touch the ground and floated in the air in a strange state

Bug Rejected Found in 0.9.404.0
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    Dev Pedro

    Not related to this problem but worth noting, the "Stability Modifier" should be used carefully. Using it in multiple parts may add up and make the craft unusable, use it in small increments and in as few parts as possible.

    4.5 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    As stated in the Tinker Panel menu "These settings are not fully supported. Use at your own risk!". Tinker scaling the wheels changes their apparent size but not their physical size, so they look small but still behave as if they were big (quite useful for some specific applications).
    For crafts to behave as expected you should try not to use the tinker panel. In this case you can just change the size of the actual wheel from 2.5 to 0.5, changing the required tinker scale value from 0.05 to 0.25 and thus reducing the problem.
    If you want it to behave even better, consider modifying the XML file of the craft to set the legit scale of the wheel to your needs, since XML edits don't have range limits. As with the tinker panel, use it at your own risk. There are some useful tutorials on how to do this made by the community.

    4.5 years ago

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