Hello team, I know that my suggestion will contain more than one ideas but they are all new and everyone would love them. it has been a long time since we got our new engines and other parts. But I expect some more to come in future like new types of fuel, new engines like magnetic hydrogen engines, new parts like inflated air brakes, drills for mining, antennas which can be used to communicate with command chips from droo, a rover landing system which include 4 rocket engine( a sky crane) and lastly some quality of life improvements which include some more realistic re entry effects , a new launch pad with sparks and smoke systems as used by nasa and with a countdown voice over and some parts remodel like fuel tanks, interstates etc.
which could make the game even more realistic and fun loving. I hope you would love my idea as many people might be demanding of these contents.please team I would be thankful if you will work on this idea. Thankyou.

Suggestion Rejected


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    @Qwertyuiop88 I had already suggested all these plans individually. So you can check them out

    4.8 years ago
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    Make several suggestions.
    If the dev wants to add one thing but not another thing, how will he show it?

    4.8 years ago


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