A way to visualize where a part with consumables is drawing them from.

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    146 Ambarveis

    I'd love to see this! Fuel lines being procedurally generated would be cool, or just highlighting the parts woud be super helpful!

    1.9 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @prohs I'm really sorry to hear about those bugs but I don't get how this is related to a suggestion about fuel lines.

    If you want to report a bug there's an option in the game to do it while the bug is happening, allowing you to add a short description. Those bug reports come with a log file so we can see what was happening to the game while those bugs occurred.

    You can also check the Bug Report Section to see if any of the bugs you've found was already reported and upvote it, so it gets a higher priority for us.

    +2 4.5 years ago
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    46 prohs

    @pedro16797 unresponsive in-world* gui. And rotation is clunky. Also panning and zooming messes up. Clearly their is rouge variables. (Variables that are either duplicate/fighting over each or returning wrong value. Seen with the panning and zooming feature. Zoom to close and it will not zoom out. I think its the zoom speed to be exact.) Thank you for creating an interesting game! Can you add 1 thing? Transparent scaling. The blue box and the arrows hinder visibility. If their is this feature, im blind and couldn't find it. Edit: the snapping is also clunky, can you hide the snap points behind visible parts? The transformation feature is amazing but cant see, if only parts placement could use this same feature and than have a enable/disable snap points. Would make it more user friendly. Hope you understand.

    4.5 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @prohs what bugs?

    4.5 years ago
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    46 prohs

    Yes and fix the bugs! Thanks.

    4.5 years ago
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    15.7k Hylo

    This will probably make building crafts faster by eliminating the time it takes to troubleshoot the connections

    +1 4.7 years ago


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