I was thinking on an future update. Wasn't it better to combine the old exhaust effect with the new one and make the exhaust fire bigger? Like, in the start of the flame (near the engine) continue with the mach diamonds but in the end make an "deorganized" flame (the effect before procedural engines update).
I like physics and watch all SpaceX launches. The under expansion happen in the instant of the fire comes out the nozzle, not like 5 meters after the end of the nozzle. In the KSP Falcon Heavy to moon video you can see this effect.
Would you aprove these configurations?
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2,777 sprunkigetfunky
Legacy particles (the particles are great looking and are still able to be used)combined with the new meshes (the new meshes are kinda ugly but are detailed). I like the idea!
146 Ambarveis
can we also adjust the amount of exhaust smoke/vapour that will come out? sometimes i get heavy lag because there's waaayy too much smoke
0 wli0526
I know you want use realplume mod from KSP.and me too
Everyone,let's make this. -
If you look back at Saturn V footage the length of the fire column is at one point three times the length of the stack. I think it would be nice to be able to optimize in the editor the smoke and fire parameters at different altitudes to match more closely real-life conditions. Or a second option would be to have Andrew tweak the code a bit for bigger effects.
235 bspawn
I know you did not mention it. I mention the expansion of the plume because similar your suggestion it affects the visual appearance of the plume effect.
343 Dudu
@bspawn i did not mentioned the expansion ratio and calculations, i only said that the expansion plume in real life isn’t as visible as in the game and it expands a lot. I only want to change the visual of the plume, not it effect
235 bspawn
Also, currently in the game the plume of a (vacuum/low pressure optimized) 2nd stage engine expands much less than the plume of the previous (low altitude optimized) stage (at roughly the same high altitude) - as though the game takes nozzle expansion ratio as a big factor in calculating the expansion of the plume.
In reality in low atmospheric pressure and vacuum, expansion of the plume is not very much affected by nozzle expansion ratio (because it is not possible to make a nozzle with sufficient expansion ratio to match a low pressure/vacuum environment; it would be impractically large and heavy). I think nozzle expansion ratio can be ignored when calculating plume expansion at high altitude (anything over 15 to 20km or so).
It would be awesome if we could adjust animation speed just like thrust response to make all kinds of rapid thrust or fast rcs even from engines.