A mechanism may have numerous parts that would be effectively controlled by a Vizzy script.
Make declared variables available in the parts panel as control inputs.
It may not be desirable that individual parts within the mechanism have their own separate control within the flight simulation.
There are a limited number of control inputs and whilst it’s possible to have sub activation groups this solution is often less than optimal.
It would make the scripting of complex control mechanisms more straightforward.

Suggestion Done


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    10.4k sflanker

    You can already do this. In the part properties panel you can set the input for a controller to CommandPodPartName.FlightProgram.VariableName

    4.5 years ago
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    I second this. I just tried to make a quadcopter and for this I need to be able to set the throttle separately for each electric motor. I tried this by giving each motor it's own vizzy function to set the throttle, but it doesn't work since the throttle apparently is a global variable. As the original poster suggests, we need some system to configure the control input of a part to a custom value and then be able to get and set this value in vizzy.

    In larger programs the number of variables can become quite large and we don't want all those variables to show up when configuring the input for a part. Furthermore, for an input variable the extra restriction applies that the value should be between 0 and 1. Therefore, my suggestion is to introduce a special type "control input variable" for this that uses a different color in Vizzy.

    PS. I would like to upvote but I'm not allowed to.

    5.0 years ago

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