The leg points towards a far point, it's weird. I crashed my plane so the drood was automaticaly ejected from the chair

Bug Rejected Found in
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    6,047 Fime

    @Pedro pretty clear when I said 'I crashed my plane so the drood was automaticaly ejected from the chair'. I mean, droods can't be automaticaly removed from chairs in another way, right ?

    10 months ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @Fime you say you mentioned in the post, but it was never mentioned that the chair had been missing or destroyed.
    We don't ignore bug reports, or else we wouldn't have an integrated bug reporter and weekly go through all reports answering people. From your description in the bug report it didn't sound like a bug but user error, so I didn't go further and check the sandbox (if we checked all bug reports sandboxes we would waste a lot of time) and I wasn't asking you to fix it yourself, I explained how to properly set up the chair, which may not be intuitive.
    With the extra info you have provided now, it does sound like the trigger sent when the chair breaks may have missed and thus it could be an error. I'll add it to the to-do list to check further.

    10 months ago
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    6,047 Fime

    @Pedro i'm sorry but this is a bug. i'm pretty sure the snapping distance was the default one (1m). Plus, as I said it in the report the chair doesn't exist anymore ...

    I really like the game, but it's often buggy and if you guys just ignore bug reports by saying "you could fix that by yourself" while you probably didn't launched the sandbox (if you did you would have noticed that the chair doesn't longer exist so the puppeting shouldn't be still active) it is just going to frustrate people and will not resolve bugs

    10 months ago
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    Dev Pedro

    You can fix it by tweaking the snap distance

    10 months ago

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