This is a modified aerospike (if you get to 2.5 nozzle size it has perfect expansion) stretched to make it look like a linear aerospike, it has perfect expansion but when you go to vaccum it has a lot of underexpansion

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    Underexpansion is based on exit pressure with de Laval nozzles. Aerospikes work a bit differently, AFAIK.

    5.8 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @AndrewGarrison I thought underexpasion was based on the exit pressure, I'm going to research info about aerospike exhausts

    5.8 years ago
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    From my understanding, aerospike exhaust does grow with decreasing air pressure. This doesn't necessarily mean it's underexpanded, but that's just how they work. This is an innovative idea here with scaling the engine like that. Unfortunately, the scale makes the exhaust plume look much more expanded than it normally looks when viewed broadside. I'm not sure what to do to improve this situation with a non-uniformally scaled engine like that, but it would probably fit moreso under the category of a suggestion than a bug report.

    5.8 years ago

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