It would be really cool to have an option to change the smoothness and metallicness of the water in the solarsystem xml for custom planets to emulate other materials, from liquid mercury lakes to lava lakes

Suggestion Done Fixed in 0.9.507.0


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    Dev Pedro

    @NathanMikeska I found out the TileLevel thing when working on the Titan-like moon, the flat liquid looks super cool with the reflections.
    Metallicness in a global level would be enough since water is always the same.
    Something that would be interesting is water (and underwater) color specification per biome, with the view distance underwater being a value.

    To make lava there's an issue though, now we can change the colors to be over 1 (similar to what emission would do) but it only emits light when sunlight is present, I guess the night shaders are multipliers. When any of the rgb values is over 1 it should keep the brightness since it's an emisor and not a reflector (this applies for both water and ground), not sure if that's easy to implement for the map view dark side of the planet though.

    5.0 years ago
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    Not sure why it didn't occur to me when this was first logged... but you can change the smoothness of the water. Its the 'specularity' value. Its set in each TileLevel of the WaterMaterialModifier.
    As for the metallicness... Does it make sense to be able to change it per tiling level or just a single value for the whole planet? Per-tiling level probably isn't going to happen, but a global setting per planet would probably be pretty easy.

    5.0 years ago
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    Dev Pedro


    5.3 years ago


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