I was in acent from droo for a mission to cylero, when suddenly my craft just explodes, it says it was heat damage but nothing was glowing, and there was no sort of warning.
Found in 0.9.918.1
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Dev Pedro
If you look closely at the engines at the bottom of the rocket, you can see a height mismatch. At sea level that's not a problem, because the flame is narrow, but as soon as it overexpands when it reaches higher altitudes, the fire starts touching the other engine's nozzle, overheating and exploding it.
The parts glow, but since they are inside the engine bay it can be hard to notice. The warning message comes with a part id of what has exploded, in case you missed it if you search for that number in the designer it will lead you to the specific part.
The best way to deal with the issue in this particular case would be ensuring no parts are hit by that flame, either by getting them further apart or leveling all the engines.
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Okay @Pedro