The engine is using xenon but the tank is stuck at 50kg
Found in 0.8.402.0
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12.5k lordvader0219
@AndrewGarrison I just noticed that apparently bugs can be “rejected”. I wonder if that means the bug is either unfixable or that the developers simply refuse to work on it. I found another bug recently that causes some large heavy planes to explode on the runway.
Dev Pedro
@AndrewGarrison The problem is that in the past this was working, it had consumption but no thrust, I used it to count time.
Dev AndrewGarrison
It looks like the ion engine was modded to produce 0 thrust, which causes the game to not consume fuel. If the ion engine produces a thrust above 0, it should draw fuel correctly.
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@lordvader0219 this was a change in a non-stock mechanic and better alternatives for this workaround have since been added.