you cant dock rovers or any thing to another vehicle
(tested on cylero)

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    10.4k sflanker

    For the record, I've been able to dock rovers on Droo on the runway. The problem is that any error in angle will prevent docking. If you find a way to make your docking ports have identical orientations you will be able to dock. One option is to dock on a perfectly flat surface, anther would be to connect your docking port to a series of hinges that allow it to translate and tilt vertical. These hinges could then be adjusted by Vizzy. One gotcha is that while you can target the docking port and therefore determine its position with Vizzy, there is no way to determine the orientation of the docking port on the other craft. Given that, you may have to rely on manual slider inputs to compensate for uneven terrain.

    I'm not saying this is ideal, just that it is theoretically possible. It would be nice if Docking Ports could have tolerance setting that would allow them to couple with a few degrees of misalignment, or a few millimeters of offset.

    5.0 years ago

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