parachute will open in space and even survive reentry

Bug Done Found in Fixed in 0.9.906
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    Dev Pedro

    This post has been merged with this post.

    3.0 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    This post has been merged with this post.

    3.0 years ago
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    11.7k KraZIvan

    I think this could be a simple fix, Parachutes could give a "cannot open in vacuum" error when trying to deploy chutes in space, and they should not deploy unless they are below a certain altitude. Parachutes should also get damaged or destroyed if attempting to deploy above certain speeds (or as OP said, during re-entry but this would be solved by prohibiting in-space deployment).

    I also think parachutes could use a bit more functionality, or at least some information in the parts menu about what are efficient altitudes and safe speeds for deployment. In the future maybe a second type of parachute could be added that is rated for use at higher airspeeds.

    6.1 years ago


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