I've reported this before, the suggestion was that I have started the part(s) activated. But that's not the case.
They are set to be inactive and set to start non-extended.
I may not understand something correctly about how to use sub-assemblies; if so, pray point me to the correct documentation.
In the meantime, here's the lander bit: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/hw75pbymm59yv8ce8yc17/Lander-v1.xml?rlkey=tzk9934m7je06lvs9bvvnp8kj&dl=0
And the whole craft assembled, for your perusal:https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/m8rbbeer8oyw9ngv3gsil/rocket-v6.2-solar-lander-dv-8.xml?rlkey=ungget3enzpcj31c7oau7h1ap&dl=0
in desperation I've re-created the subassembly (the lander module) and re-attached it to the main carrier - and now the problem is gone.
So thank you for the ideas, I think we're good :)