and I think it would be private servers only, public causes way too many problems. and the solution to time warp is really simple. when you warp, time travels faster from your point of view and everyone sees your craft jump into hyperspace essentially.
it would be awesome to have saved private multiplayer systems so you could colonize planets with friends. oooorrrrr... use there stuff while they aren't online.
@SunlitHaddock14 yeah, the timewarp is the biggest and most complex issue in order to make multiplayer space games, or you would just be waiting for months or years
here is how to fix the time-warp issue so we can go anywhere and still interact with one another:
when someone time-warps, there would be a menu saying what time their in, if you are warping, you cant sync, if there not, u can sync with their time and your position location rotation ext will sync, just add a menu
smaller summery:
add a time sync button, add a chat menu button, add a server list button, allow to host servers on your device, when u spawn, have a safety bubble surrounding a 50m radius in a dome shape,
:) i hope this helps with this so it can be added, pls add it jundroo
another way to visualize it is to play the mod Luna multiplayer for ksp1
My thought on timewarp, would if you press a button for timewarp and it asks the entire server to timewarp. Like a yes or no thing. But the entire server has to agree to time warp. And only the person who asked can control it
@finalfrontierareospace nope. It's not planned.
And probably won't
the only public comment I could find on multiplayer from junduroo was from 6 years ago. maybe something has changed. devs if y'all se this what gives?
I mean if they just made multiplayer limited to two people I would be happy and I think a lot of other people would be too
Or more
I think it would be fun with two people
This would be good. Maybe you could have 2 people working on a craft at the same time.
and I think it would be private servers only, public causes way too many problems. and the solution to time warp is really simple. when you warp, time travels faster from your point of view and everyone sees your craft jump into hyperspace essentially.
it would be awesome to have saved private multiplayer systems so you could colonize planets with friends. oooorrrrr... use there stuff while they aren't online.
hell yeah
@lly282828 yes, or create extreme chaos/crafts the server
@HumanoidCreature I agree. I can’t wait to blow someone up when the game has multiplayer servers.
they gotta add this, this will make the game so much more fun
i got the idea from here:
the dev's can just ask the lmp team if they can use a multiplayer game system like them
@SunlitHaddock14 yeah, the timewarp is the biggest and most complex issue in order to make multiplayer space games, or you would just be waiting for months or years
here is how to fix the time-warp issue so we can go anywhere and still interact with one another:
when someone time-warps, there would be a menu saying what time their in, if you are warping, you cant sync, if there not, u can sync with their time and your position location rotation ext will sync, just add a menu
smaller summery:
add a time sync button, add a chat menu button, add a server list button, allow to host servers on your device, when u spawn, have a safety bubble surrounding a 50m radius in a dome shape,
:) i hope this helps with this so it can be added, pls add it jundroo
another way to visualize it is to play the mod Luna multiplayer for ksp1
My thought on timewarp, would if you press a button for timewarp and it asks the entire server to timewarp. Like a yes or no thing. But the entire server has to agree to time warp. And only the person who asked can control it
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Option of Custom server can be made though. And ig that will cause lot of chaos as well as fun also.
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