An option to program crafts with text, similar to programming languages like Java, C# or Python.
Two ways to implement:

1. Option to switch

A button in the vizzy that lets you switch between blocks and text, similar to* (I can provide screenshots if you want).

  • Makes it possible to still switch after starting programming
  • Possibly easier implementation (depending on the way it's implemented)
  • Limited to the same features as block programming
  • Possibly problems when converting from text to blocks (due to the positioning of the code "chunks")

2. Separate programs

Only lets you choose when first creating the program.

  • More complicated features can be added (text programming languages usually have more features, e.g. C# has more features than Scratch) => Better and more efficient vizzys can be created
  • Switching while programming isn't possible

Please upvote so Jundroo reads this suggestion. Thanks!
If there are any any other pros, cons or options, please let me know in the comments. Thank you for taking the time to read this rather long post.

*The link wasn't working, so I removed it. Enter "" as URL and it opens the website.

  1. Added this "Edits" list, Correction of formatting
  2. Removed the link, added *
Suggestion Submitted

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