Sorry for the confusing thumbnail. So in career mode you cant unlock every location, and its quite annoying.
For example if you choose the “backyard scientist” path and halfway through also choose the airplane and car path (i forgot the name)
You will unlock some of the locations of both and you cant unlock all of them, for someone that doesnt know this (aka me) its annoying to the point of restarting and going through career mode again. So please make it that you can have all the locations of both paths, i sadly chose the “airplane car” one halfway through and cant unlock the moon base :(

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    @Pedro im really sorry for bothering you AGAIN but i did, i unlocked the full tech tree 3 TIMES!? I did all the “progression” missions but it the last location i recieve in the “rc enthusiast “ is dsc bay, i tried the normal missions which only gave money but still nothing, also its random that i get the moon base location or not. Once again sorry for bothering you for the third time but i ve tried your solutions many times and i cant unlock more :(

    10 months ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @SlapTrain you have to progress through the air and land contracts to get those

    10 months ago
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    @Pedro i have fully unlocked the tech tree but i still cant receive more progression missions to unlock the runways
    I thought it was a bug and made a new game and only progressed through the rovers and airplanes, still no runways, last site it gives me is DSC Bay

    10 months ago
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    Dev Pedro

    This isn't true, in fact, you need to go through both tech branches to unlock all the launch sites.

    10 months ago

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