When landing on luna (most likely also other planets) the craft reorientates itself all the time to get the command chip facing up.

Landing it in normal locked mode is possible though

step 1: pause ! (The lander is already in the right position)
step 2: switch to retrograde

step 3 try to land

slider 1 is landing gear

I don't know, if that behaviour is intended, to make landing with normal crafts easier, but that way the only way is to constantly reorient the lander

Bug Done Found in Fixed in
Sandbox View


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    The newest version should have improved how this works. As long as the command chip/pod is facing up relative to how you want your sub craft to orient upwards, then it should work.

    6.3 years ago
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    2,458 Klosskopf

    @mjdfx150529 soon, but unflyable

    6.3 years ago
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    I see another masterpiece in the making

    6.3 years ago


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