I was testing a little space plane (like a Hermes), then I realized the wings (or at least their rendering) we're pitching in a inverted form (i.e when I pitch down or up, the control surfaces go on the opposite way of the intended direction).

Bug Rejected Found in 0.9.704.0
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    @pedro16797 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/614473807348105216/877527845801459752/del.png (I cant format this into a image)
    This is what I mean with inverted, not the controls (Well, the controls were inverted but they were not suppose to do that).

    3.6 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    Depending on the position of the wings relative to the CoM the way they pitch changes. If the default behaviour doesn't work for you, you can invert the axis in the designer.

    3.6 years ago

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