Sometimes parts that have custom styles (in this case the part named "Service Module interstage" id 920) update their value when reloading the craft.

The style should be style="Inlet-1" and after reloading the craft it's style="Default". It happens once every (aprox) 10 reloads of the craft and with different parts.

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    Dev Pedro

    @NathanMikeska btw, you may like to know that this works for any part with styles. Something that I use a lot is typing random strings in the tire styles, this way you can make them have only the pneumatic or only the rim.
    A fun fact: I think that when you use a random string for the style it gets added to the Part styles list, because after using it once I can access that style from any craft just using the editor style menu

    5.8 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @NathanMikeska Cool, I may upload the automatic lander in a couple of weeks and then update it for 0.7.1 later :)

    5.8 years ago
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    @pedro16797 Hopefully sometime this month, no solid date at the moment though.

    5.8 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @NathanMikeska huf thanks :) Now I don't have to go back to fix old crafts hahaha I'll ping you. Any ETA for the update?

    5.8 years ago
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    @pedro16797 Haha, ok... I didn't realize this was possible. Certainly not intended. And I still feel like using a part style that hasn't been defined for the part type should be an error condition, so I'll continue to log an error. I did however, roll back my change from yesterday regarding falling back to the first valid part style. The remainder of my changes from yesterday are still intact though, so the game should handle this much better now, without breaking stuff, and still allow you to do what you are doing. I think the issue specified in the bug report should now be fixed. Let me know if you still experience any issues with this after the next update.

    5.8 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @NathanMikeska yes, I can change the mesh :/ I did it multiple times with fuselages and wheels, just typing style="Inlet-1" in a fuselage makes it look like an inlet
    I use it to make toroidal taks and it works

    5.8 years ago
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    @pedro16797 I'm not sure exactly what you are trying to accomplish here... Custom part styles isn't really a thing (at least maybe not until mod support). You can specify different textures that were not intended to be used with the part, but part styles typically determine which meshes to use for the part, which you obviously can't change with XML right now. The fact that custom part style Ids ended up adding part styles to the list in the part properties window was a bug... which I just fixed while investigating this bug report. Now invalid part styles will fall back and revert to the first valid part style for the part in question.

    5.8 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @AndrewGarrison the problem is that I'm trying to force custom styles through xml but in editor they're named Default instead of the custom name (in this case Inlet-1), because of this the game tends to change the xml text to Default and after some saves it changes the model to the default one.
    Cycling through the part styles is the only way to fix it (then two Default styles will show up) but that removes the textures

    5.8 years ago
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    Dev Notes: The Default part style for interstages should not be in the list. To reproduce, just add an interstage to the craft and cycle through the part styles.

    5.8 years ago


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