Make a spaceship/plane and let it slide across the ground on a steep cliffside and you can see through the ground into the void that is Smearth's innards and the space beyond!

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    @Mod Okay, thanks for letting us know. These little details always surprise me with how much effort they take to fix. Nathan fixed this and unfortunately, we might not be able to improve it much without starting to impact performance.

    6.5 years ago
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    16.0k Mod

    @AndrewGarrison , I was still able to see through the ground when I did this in, though it was much much harder. This time instead of just moving the camera around I had to zoom in as far as I could and then rotate the camera by dragging from the middle to the far right or left repeatedly. I figured that I might just comment this here since it's a continuation of the same bug essentially.

    almost forgot that it has to be on a decently angled cliff

    6.5 years ago

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