The suggestion I have is:
Fuel: We have to make our fuel from fuel sources other than petroleum, to raise awareness of the environmental damage caused by the extraction of this refrigerant. From the planet
That water can be obtained for thermonuclear, asteroids, planets, etc., expanding research not only on visiting other worlds, but also on space mining.
Refueling is not that cool, but in the case of water tanks for thermonuclear power plants, they can be filled with water, like a kind of motor pump or something like that.
Repair: There should be the possibility of a hangar type assembly workshop, where designs can be placed to repair broken or damaged parts due to thermal damage or physical friction, In order not to lose the history of the ship or designs, for example that it went to so many planets, traveled so much distance, etc.
Specialists: It is of the mechanical engineer type, for space repairs, in a space station that receives damage from escort maneuvers or things like that, that the engineer, similar to the Tourists may have the special option to repair, and for this they require raw materials, which are obtained on the planet, recycled crafts, etc.

Suggestion Submitted


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