Right now you have to select the part and then click in the option to EVA/enter. Right-click is used for activation, but in the specific case of being on an EVA, entering a seat by right-clicking would make the experience much easier.
Having a keybinding option to enter the closest seat/cabin too would be a neat feature, even for mobile users.

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    Dev Pedro

    @DPSAircraft first of all, this post isn't the right place to talk about this, so I won't write any more comments about this topic here.
    I know you talked about that, but it was already answered a lot of times by other users that you can make them with minimal XML edits. I can show you how to edit them.
    I don't feel like you were offensive, you were banned from the discord server because another of your accounts was previously banned by one of the admins and you used alt-accounts to elude the ban. That breaks the rules and gets all your alts instantly banned, sorry if it interrupted any conversation.
    I know you are a person and have feelings, but the server has rules that have to be applied, same as in our society, even if they hurt the feelings. Without those rules being enforced society would be pure chaos.

    +1 4.5 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @TestRunner You can't tinker a fairing to not separate, you can tweak it to not activate in the staging, if you use the activation keybinding on a fairing base it should activate, it's the expected behaviour and I've used it a couple of times.
    You can always use another part with the fairing style if you use overload or tweak the XML if you don't want it to activate no matter what.

    +1 4.6 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @TestRunner right click to bypass the tabs is already in the game

    +1 4.6 years ago


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