Not sure if this posted or where it posted if it did but here goes again anyway.

I built a big flight program, saved it, and when I try to load it nothing comes up.
The file size of 7.1k was what it was when I first saved it.

Where are these programs saved on disk and are they in a human readable format?

Bug Rejected Found in 0.9.306.0
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    @EUnumPluribus That sounds great. You should also post your videos here in the Videos section.

    4.9 years ago
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    @AndrewGarrison Thanks for the quick response. I've since rewritten (re-drag-n-dropped?) a much more complex program that launches, orbits, circle-izes, waits for one orbit, does a de-orbit burn, and returns to the surface. As a career Aerospace Software Engineer that at one point tried to develop a Vizzy like language back in the late '90s I really enjoy your version over the various others I've played with before (turtle, and a couple of others). I've started a series about code controlled rocketry using Vizzy and SR2 on my twitch channel. In the steams I discuss a number of good/bad aspects of coding that way and I plan to show how Vizzy code maps to C code wich is typically used for system control systems in aerospace. I'll email you the file shortly.

    Check out the site for links to my other content and/or my linked-in page:

    4.9 years ago
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    The files are in XML and you can find the files here:

    %userprofile%\appdata\locallow\Jundroo\SimpleRockets 2\UserData\FlightPrograms

    Please send me the flight program XML file from that directory that cannot be loaded. You can upload it to pastebin and then put the link here or email it to me at

    4.9 years ago

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