Please add ball joints that you can attach parts to. Also make it be possible to adjust the position of the connection point in the designer.

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    A three-hinge balljoint mostly does the job, and does it well enough for car suspension and the like, but this suffers gimbal lock - if the first and middle axes align, the last and first axis rotate identically. You could make a fourth axis, but now you have to keep the fourth and first axes 90 degrees apart. A physical balljoint implemented with quaternions could sidestep all of these issues and reduce partcounts.

    11 months ago
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    5,357 OverCAT83

    @Jerba Thanks I'll have a look at it.

    1.5 years ago
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    692 Jerba Made a ball joint in 2 (technically 3) parts, rest is just for demo purposes

    +1 1.5 years ago


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