Would some system by which engine geometries (length, diameter) could be modified with a display giving internal air pressures with an easily accessible reference to pressures of various planetary bodies be given such that players have to option to firstly, model actual rockets to a higher degree of accuracy, and second optimize engines for various environments, IE taking the same base engine but having a wider bell on the upper stage for vacuum optimization versus shorter bells on liftoff. Also perhaps a system for aerospike components which can, in much the same way as fuel tanks, be stretched or flattened allowing for the same part to provide options for both linear and toroidal engines.

Some function allowing as to push engine chamber pressures, within thermal capabilities or gimbaling geometry (such as number and type of gimbaling arms, two for instance providing a single axis whereas 3+ provide more, and various kinds, electric, pneumatic, etc with different accelerations and strengths, or even radial engines gimbaled in one axis by a motor) through the part modification tool would also allow for more customization relating to modeling actual rockets. even some system of setting combustion chamber materials with some being more pressure resistant but heavier whereas others are lighter but unable to sustain higher pressures.

Ultimately just looking for some ability to modify engine aesthetics while simultaneously having them translate into more realistic performances considering particular geometries.

A feature like this feels like it would fit into the style of construction simple rockets appears to have and I feel additions like this would be useful for expanding on the educational benefits of kerbal space program by giving players some potential insights on some design aspects that go into designing rockets rather then focusing entirely on distribution of mass and orbital dynamics. I'm curious what other people interested in rockets think of such an idea, does it have a place in this kind of game? does it overcomplicate the process too much? should some default vac and sl optimized engines be provided to players? Thank you for reading, have a wonderful day!



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    @Rexy Great, thanks! Here's the link if anyone else wants to vote on it.

    6.7 years ago
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    108 Rexy

    @AndrewGarrison I just posted a streamlined version of this on user voice.

    +1 6.7 years ago
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    @Chancey21 Yes, every time we're starting an update we check User Voice to see if there's anything that we can reasonably do. Players sometimes have great ideas, so we don't want to miss out on those.

    @JoshMan Thanks!

    6.7 years ago
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    532 JoshMan

    @AndrewGarrison Im going yo have to agree with @Chancey21 . So many posts there are either way out of the games scope, already been confirmed to be in, or already confirmed to be not in. I don't know how you would sort through all the those to get anything of worth without getting frustrated. Hats off to you if you do that though. :P

    6.7 years ago
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    3,272 Chancey21

    Do you guys really use uservoice? @AndrewGarrison

    +2 6.7 years ago
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    @JoshMan @Chancey21 Interesting stuff. Thanks, @Rexy! I think it's a great idea. Maybe someday we can do something along these lines, however, it certainly won't happen for the early access release. Did anyone make a User Voice suggestion for this yet?

    +1 6.7 years ago
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    That's what I thought when I saw the mage engines I think fuel lines.

    6.7 years ago
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    532 JoshMan

    @Rexy sounds great!

    6.7 years ago
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    108 Rexy

    @JoshMan yea I might try to do the same but I have no real modding experience, I can provide you with the math though if you decide to go for it. The main reason I actually broke my silence and made an account was to post this :P

    6.7 years ago
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    I really like this Idea but like some of you I think the game couldn't be considered simple anymore, but I think this Idea would make for a great mod since the game will probably be very easy to mod.
    sry for my spelling

    6.7 years ago
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    532 JoshMan

    @Rexy I really hope @andrewgarrison sees this. For joining less than 24 hours ago, you bring some amazing ideas to the table. Though I doubt it will be implimented by the time the first main release is out, as their schedule keeps slipping, I hope its atleast seen by devs. Id be interested in trying to mod this function in once possible.

    6.7 years ago
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    108 Rexy

    @MrTaco I feel like if given a selection of default engine configurations with pre determined tasks, for example a landing engine, or a vacuum specialized engine it would allow people to bypass this mechanic if they so choose, and for others in the edit part menu these options will be available to play around with an see what they do, engine plumbing and design is a fun aspect of rockets I have not seen in a game yet and could show further diversity in rocket science. It by no means has to be something players are required to use, even an option by which we can modify the shape of the nozzle and choose whether it behaves according to its shape, or follows presets just for the sake of modeling historical rockets more accurately.

    @JoshMan I have put together a program as you suggested, it is currently able to take in all the variables I listed in the OP with a few shortcuts applied to omit temperature and fuel type considerations, in the current form it has no trouble spitting out reasonable Isp values practically instantly, so computational power shouldn't be an issue.

    +1 6.7 years ago
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    328 MrTaco

    Although this would be extremely fun and educational, I don’t think this would be considered simple as in the name “Simple Rockets.” I could see it however as a hidden advanced feature. If a newcomer/inexperienced player was presented with it, he would most likely become overwhelmed and discouraged.
    The games main purpose of this game (correct me if I’m wrong) is to introduce concepts and inspire a want for more knowledge on the subject of space and rocketry. The game, if simple, should promote intrigue into the subject by allowing players to achieve goals (ex. landing on the moon) which would inspire players to consider a profession in that field.

    +1 6.7 years ago
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    3,272 Chancey21


    6.7 years ago
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    532 JoshMan

    @Rexy I was not aware it could be that simple! That's actually pretty amazing and this form post should get more upvotes for it. I'd encourage you to build a mockup program (nothing fancy, just text) and log time between calculations as a proof of concept.

    6.7 years ago
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    108 Rexy

    @JoshMan Keeping the engine bells parabolic as almost all engines are today the calculations could been done as algebraic expressions of four variables (length, width, flatness/length points along parabola, and the pressure within the compression chamber [which would be a property of the material used and would impact how much fuel the rocket used per unit time]), if engine parts were characterized by their combustion chamber volumes and pressures omitting combustion chamber material as a factor and instead just provided static values for volume and initial pressure of the combustion chamber then the pressure at the end of the chamber is given by:

    B is the radius of the end of the nozzle
    L is the length of the nozzle
    N is a factor defining the flatness of the nozzle.

    Then constants which would be properties of the particular engine part are as follows:
    V0 is the initial volume of the combustion chamber
    0 is the radius at the base of the nozzle
    p_0 is the initial pressure of the combustion chamber (this is where higher/lower thrust parts come in)

    This calculation gives a nice closed form expression taking only given and defined inputs and providing the exhaust pressure which can easily be related to the efficiency of the engine. And considering closed forms are what computers excel at doing this calculation should take no more then one line of calculation, excluding variable declarations. If for example the computer had to constantly do the integration I just did it may be more intensive, but a general solution like this taking only inputs and providing answers seems, at least from my programming experience, to be a fairly straight forward thing to do.

    Thanks for the feedback!

    +2 6.7 years ago
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    532 JoshMan

    I love this idea! However i feel that yes, it might be too much for ingame. Also calculations ingame with all those variables might be too much for the average players' computer to run well. I think the best solution would have an external program generate a part with thrust and efficiency vars (and whatever others ones will be in sr2) from a more complicated set up.

    +2 6.7 years ago


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