Essentially, I want to make the hinge where rather than the range of motion being ±45°, but between say 0 and 90, or 0 and -90. Is this possible?
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7,838 SmurfResearchX
there are a bunch more settings for the gizmos in the "tinker panel" - turn on the "hidden properties" and there are settings for the min/max values. if you set the minimum to 0 and maximum to 1, with the range setting on the rotator to 90 degrees, it will only rotate 0 - 90 and remain at 0 for the negative input values
1,114 PointBreak
You can't do it in game AFAIK, but you can edit the max and min values in the xml. If you're on pc, you can use the overload mod, if you're on mobile Gozinya made a tutorial on how to edit xml on mobile.
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@SmurfResearchX @PointBreak Thanks, it works!