Hello you are reading this to see what will be added and what wont if I miss anything just comment bellow:
No more talking from me now.

Ok so first thing is: when will it release?
The game is expected to release during q4 or q3

How much will it cost: About the same as Simple Planes on PC and Mobile

Will parts cost money: Yes in a campaign/career mod but not real money in game money but in sandbox mode you wont have to pay for parts.

How many parts: It is not confirmed but Andrew says about 30 or so and can be customized

Will there be multipla…:NO!

Will the planets spin and will they have moons?: Yes they will have some moons like Smearth will have Smoon and planets will spin I am pretty sure.

Will it have rcs or fairings?;check the blog

Can we build planes or sstos :yes you can because wings are coming

Will will have ion engines: Yes there will be ion engines for your deep space probes.

I think this is enough and please don't hate me if this is bad.


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    3,462 tsampoy

    @Elonmuskjr yay re-entry burns for a good simulation

    6.7 years ago
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    328 MrTaco

    Will there be multipla... Oh nvm. Probably should have read the entire post first.

    +1 6.7 years ago
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    Oh there will be Re-Entry burns because like if you want a good space simulator you need heat

    6.7 years ago


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