but I will post some crafts sometimes (about every three days). I am often told about the Alphabet program, so voila, the program continues, I do not stop it, it's just that I have a lot of other program to do evolve like the ADÈLE, PROXIMA, SPARTACUS, HERMES and ZEUS pillar programs.
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23.6k NebulaSpaceAgency
good luck m8, don’t fail
seriously don’t be like me and fail, it’s not fun :> -
52.0k DASX
If you want, you can improve the appearance and aerodynamics of the XC04, automate it or whatever you want , but please don't make the XC05 version (the one that will be tested in space as it is in the process of being development) @Tweedle_Aerospace
4,811 TweedleAerospace
@DASX if you don’t mind I could keep developing the XC-04 for you
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