Look, sorry I couldn't use the report bug button, I don't have my phone, there are some enormous issues with new beta concerning launch locations
I am trying to colonise brigo, and the use of launch locations is very important, but my phone crashed, the problem is not the crash but rather what happens during the crash. All of my launch locations go away. While crashes are normal on my iPhone 7plus, this did not happen on the old version.
I believe you might have addressed this already, but I'll say it just in case, the runway is underground for me, the launch pads and hangars appear, but the site appears to be a large field of grass with a couple houses.
Hope you fix it soon and thank you!
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Dev AndrewGarrison
The launch locations bug should be fixed in the next update. Let us know if you are seeing it again after that. Hopefully this weekend/early next week.
11.5k Chtite451SR2
the launch location bug happens to alot of people here w the beta, and its not the crash that does it, its in general
and set your terrain settings to high and it should work -
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@AndrewGarrison understood, thank you!