RTX 3060ti ultra, 16 gb 3200 mhz corsair rgb ram, ryzen 7 3700X, 650 watt corsair power unit, 1 gb ssd and 2x 1tb nvme m.2, be quiet case
Gonna use rtx on simplerockets
And as you can see I love corsair
Gonna use rtx on simplerockets
And as you can see I love corsair
@Elgaagung My current pc can, and my next pc can do it in 4k 144hz with ease
@PointBreak well, its a type of pre-order. Its from a Dutch website called azerty
Wait, you managed to get a 3060 Ti these days? That's nothing short of a miracle.
@SoulBlazer yeah sure. I had to get a ryzen 7 because the ryzen 5 is miraculously more expensive than a ryzen 7 here
@017b at first I only saw the 1 gun of ssd. I was gonna say how are you going to download SR2?
Edit 1: I hate scalpers, price of the 30 series gpu's has risen 30%. Probably getting a 20 series gpu.
As for the NAND M.2's, no, I'm letting them go. Also chose a Ryzen 5 3600G instead of a ryzen 7.