Is it possible to make a vizzy program that detects when you use the "Brake" input, then it makes a AG (/Lights) turn on?
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4,811 TweedleAerospace
@TerminalGuidance that makes a lot more sense. Then ignore everything I told you previously. Pay attention to @Hannah1212 she is probably better than me at vizzy anyway.
4,811 TweedleAerospace
@TerminalGuidance wait did you mean brake or break. I need clarification. Because one is an argument and the other is an input.
23.6k NebulaSpaceAgency
absolutely, i personally i don’t know how but just look at highly rated cars
7,552 Hannah1212
Making brake lights? You can try something like:
while (true) {
If (brake > 0) {Set AG to true}
Else {set AG to false}
Hopefully the way I wrote that makes sense, if not lmk. It’s hard to write out vizzy -
4,811 TweedleAerospace
No. You can set a variable to something when it breaks or broadcast something.
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@Tweedle_Aerospace Ok