I need to know how much delta v I need for a deorbit burn. A typical boost-back burn doesn’t work.
Vizzy6 Comments
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4,813 TweedleAerospace
@Patelsh24 so something like this?
convertPosition(nav.position.length() + velocity.orbit.length() + commandPod.trueAnomaly()) -
6,725 Patelsh24
@Tweedle_Aerospace I did it by converting my position and velocity vectors to orbital elements, moving them forward to the impact point by true anomaly, then converting back to position. This gave me the impact position
6,725 Patelsh24
@Tweedle_Aerospace as in a deorbit that can get you close to a landing site?
4,813 TweedleAerospace
Sorry @patelsh24 but you are probably the best one for this as you have posted many videos of this concept.
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@Patelsh24 sorry I am used to writing in Python