I have a problem with a Starship-like bellyflop maneuver from around 50km, around 30km while descending the RCS/gyroscope have problems keeping it stable and around 15-20km it pitches up randomly and blows up when the vizzy program attempts to land it. Any fixes?
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291 NovaSpaceSystems
Actually I disabled physics in the wing settings but kept drag enabled because having lift instead of drag would make it uncontrollable during launch @Tweedle_Aerospace
4,811 TweedleAerospace
Check the cent of lift. While on the previous hips the center of lift was fine. Now you have drained more fuel and therefore moved the center of mass.
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@SoulBlazer here you go https://www.simplerockets.com/c/NiW2Vw/Aerodynamic-drag-issue-craft