On March 16th 2021, after many months I preparation a Falcon 9 replica was successfully reused. The process was rough, but I plan to work on making it a much smoother and enjoyable process. Some issues with the code were discovered and being resolved.
Falcon 9 ascended up and had issues when it came to stage separation which had to be manually initiated. After separation, the second stage ignited it's engine, and lost control. Both the second stage and the test payload were lost in the second launch, the first flight of this boosters test payload was successfully put into orbit. This issue that was encountered is the main issue being focused on and being fixed. The first stage after separating successfully performed its boostback and reentry burns, at this point the booster was well on its way to making a second landing. The booster successfully landed, and most likely will not fly again as the code will have to be changed. The Outcome of the Test-1 mission, which included both the first and second launch is seen as an overall success, despite losing control of the second stage in the second launch.
Some images from the flight are listed below, but if you are interested in seeing all of them, you can look at them on the SimpleRockets subreddit here
Launch 1
Landing 1
Recovery 1
Launch 2
Landing 2
have a free starship image as well :D
@CardAerospace docking ports