There is a tribe on simple rockets called the nobonus tribe who lived on the island for many years but as more people came they brought there plane bonus which would give them tons of points which was used to buy things in the town but the nobonus people had to stay strong until one person named Bmclory stood up and got over 100 points and showed the nobonus tribe that we can still compete with the plane people.

Oh hi there.



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    @MrTaco Though I may be from the startbonus tribe, I speak for all, pleb and startbonusian. The wonderful Bmcclory has showed us hope, that even the nobonus tribe can rise to the top!

    6.8 years ago
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    1,042 RailfanEthan

    @JoshMan oops, the holy history book has fooled me

    +1 6.8 years ago
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    1,042 RailfanEthan

    @MrTaco yes

    6.8 years ago
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    328 MrTaco

    And I ought thus be betwixt pleb and startbonusians. For though I be a startbonusian myself, I speak for all.
    Thou Ethan art a queer one, with thou unearthly love of trains. Ye speak as one who knows little of deep knowledge. For in the Book of Andrew thus says pleb or be not pleb, all art of the same earth.
    Thus matters not of what past ye be. What matters is what tomorrow yea be if ye art willing to sieze the day.@RailfanEthan

    6.8 years ago
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    532 JoshMan

    Ah but you forget @RailfanEthan, my silo contains the largest amount of "the upvotes" compared to any other nobonusians, but Bmcclory surpassed them first, showing all of us the way. I stand on the shoulders of giants, Bmcclory, to be where I am right now.

    6.8 years ago
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    1,042 RailfanEthan

    Ah yes, the plebian race of the nobonus.
    Such a tribe is considered poor yet the leaders are adequate in knowledge, likeliness is unknown. They farm the considerably delicate crop known to their forbidden region, known as the upvote. Only some have understood the crop, and been able to reap the yield.
    On the neighboring island of Cheeki Breeki, the bonus civilization thrives. They are a community filled with a plagued economy, afixed by the inflation of the land, commonly known to them as the "Startup bonus," which is provided as early as birth. This kingdom has a abondance of the forebidden fruit, the upvote. However, neither community shares them, in fear of another outbreak. These are the patricians.
    Both communities live together in spirit, with the same aspirations - to harvest the upvote in harmony. However, the land is not full of perfect plebian or patrician farmers. There's always the greedy ones, who do witch craft to earn the crop. They steal, also known as begging. The high of the land, known as the Team, is controlled by King Andrew, who is less forgiving to these less than life people, the beggers. He calls upon the Royal Guardsmen, whom dispose of them to be never seen again.
    I'm Ethan, and welcome to SimpleRockets 2.
    (edit, the roles)
    The king of the patricians is yours truly. This is likely to change, with the Great Smoon awakening, which is rumored to be in a few months. The upvotes harnessed is equivalent of 204 equal souls. Or upvotes idk
    Bmcclory holds the power to the plebians. He has harnessed more of the crop than any other plebian.

    6.8 years ago
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    532 JoshMan

    Bmcclory, the one true hero. He showed us anything was possible with enough form posts. Long live Bmcclory

    6.8 years ago
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    True story

    6.8 years ago
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    Now I'm sad I got the bonus :(

    +1 6.8 years ago
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    328 MrTaco

    Made me cry.
    Long live BMcClory!

    6.8 years ago


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