Question6 Comments
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4,811 TweedleAerospace
@Staticalliam7 it depends if it is sub-orbital or orbital. I haven’t completed an orbital one yet but sub-orbit is easy. You can refer to any of my reusable rockets if you need help. But orbital is harder. You need to final the impact position and then pretty much figure out the means to get your impact position to the one you want.
1,191 YaMomzBox420
@Staticalliam7 On a more serious note, it might help to break it down I to chunks:
1) You need to keep track of your fuel. This includes fuel consumption as well as fuel needed for maneuvers.
2) You need to calculate the optimal trajectory for your LV, taking into account the limitations of stages 1&2 based off fuel & ∆v margins.
3) You need some way to target your LZ and calculate the necessary flight path for boostback
4) Some kind of PID to make corrections throughout the flight and get more accurate landings
5) And of course the suicide burn(or hoverslam if you prefer that)!
1,191 YaMomzBox420
1) Make a program
2) Program the program
3) Name the program Boostback Program
4) Watch all your helpless unsuspecting victims crash their rockets immediately
Jk lol I wish I could help you there, but I really don't know besides the basic idea
@Staticalliam7 maybe ask paltesh the dude that made the craft landing on a moving target