Ive noticed that some of the craft I upload don’t appear in the search at all. Even ones with a noble number of upvotes.

None of my PIA-22 craft appear on search and neither does the LRV-11. A number of others that I don’t know of might also be invisible. Is there an upload algorith? Was it a bad internet connection to blame?



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    10.4k sflanker

    Craft search on this website depends on Google. So what shows up, and how it is ranked depends on Google's search algorithms. You'll definitely want to allow some time for Google's index to be updated and include your craft.

    +1 3.9 years ago
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    1,176 YaMomzBox420

    I have no clue. I guess maybe that's why people post links on their bio's and stuff

    3.9 years ago

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