Starborn Aerospace headquarters
Transcript begins at 4:17 am
Participants: Director Roger Johnson, Doctor John Maximilian.
Dr. Maximilian: Sir, an urgent update on the Urados anomaly.
Director Johnson: More? I hope it's good news.
Dr. Maximilian: Unfortunately not Sir. That massive reality wave we just experienced? It was only the beginning.
Director Johnson: What is going on. How much of a problem do we have?
Dr. Maximilian: The wormhole that we assume formed inside the planet is growing increasingly unstable. More instability means more reality waves. Eventually, the wormhole is going to tear itself apart at the seams.
Director Johnson: Meaning?
Dr. Maximilian: The anomaly becomes increasingly unstable to a point where it rips a hole in the fabric of spacetime. This would cause destruction on a scale unimaginable. It goes without saying that we would be wiped out in an event of this sort.
Director Johnson: How long do we have?
Dr. Maximilian: We theorize... about four to five months.
Director Johnson: And do we have any way to stop this?
Dr. Maximilian: Have you ever heard of cosmic string Director?
Director Johnson: No.
Dr. Maximilian: Cosmic strings are theoretical objects that were created by the big bang. They are one dimensional string-like "fibers" of reality. We have yet to actually encounter one, but we think we know how to create one.
Director Johnson: And?
Dr. Maximilian: Using this string, we can hold open the wormhole, preventing it from collapsing on itself. This would stop the catastrophic damage from the reality waves.
Director Johnson: Do you think it would work?
Dr. Maximilian: It is still very theoretical, but the math checks out. Using this method is the most plausible way we can think of to save our reality.