It's been a while.


Or more accurately It's been a year I'm not active in this community.
you guys probably know why I'm not active.
but I'm gonna keep that private, for now at least. ( disclaimer I did not keep that private )


What have I been doing :


Well not much, I like watching anime now.
Yes, I'm a total weeb, not gonna tell you what anime I like to watch.
How many did I watch?.
well not much actually.
probably 40 or 45 different types of anime series. (i don't know how many really I just speculating)
also, I'm good at Minecraft to know.! I can make a Redstone contraption and build a cool mansion!


I have a youtube channel with not many views and vid only 4 actually.
I'm also a PVP Roblox veteran._ ( i mostly play Phantom forces, arsenal and other PVP game on Roblox )_


also, I'm a video collector too ( mostly remix and meme, references and game songs and meme vids too )
still in high school do. (I'm still doing school stuff at home )


Did I ever get sick? ( on 2020 )
well Yes but no only a normal cold, not a virus or anything.


Did I change?.
Yes definitely. and a lot
I have more friends now. ( mostly on discord )


I also a pewdiepie fan too ( started being a fan in 2019 )
and Jacksepticeye ( started being a fan in 2020 also realise that he is the one that inspired me to build rockets on his kerbal space program series I think I watch it in 2015 )


Yup, I think that's it.
Do I have plans to make something in the future?
yea probably.


am I gonna be posting every week?
no, probably not, I have too many things to do now.


do I planing on quitting SimpleRockets2?.
no, I will still probably building something on this game.
Or probably I'm gonna fix the Auto lander or improve it who knows.


thx for reading my post I hope you guys at least have a decent year.
some people probably have the worst, but we need to stay positive even in an Apoclpys world.


Ok bye ( sorry bad grammar English is not my first language. )



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    672 Derren

    I edit it with Headings and bolt Text so people can read it more nicely.

    Pinned 3.9 years ago
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    672 Derren

    @CASXA no... maybe? I mean I did get a cold but it's nothing serious.
    I only have a cold for a weak.
    so maybe I did get Covid.

    3.9 years ago
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    3,216 CASXA

    Did I ever get sick? ( on 2020 )
    well Yes but no only a normal cold, not a virus or anything.

    A cold is a virus you ment COVID-19

    3.9 years ago

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