Star ship serial number 11 was terminated after an anomaly at T+5:49 Minutes due to a possible engine failure
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11.5k Chtite451SR2
I didn't know it was launching today lol
But I did kinda expect it to fail tbh
Another SN to add to the collection
R.I.P SN8, 9, 10, 11
And F -
10.1k GSpace
It was the launch termination system I think and Elon said that there was an engine problem but the engine didn’t cause the failure
2,933 ThesaturnaerospaceRedo
@MirazAerospace possibly, but elon musk tweeted that the pressures where off when it hopped if ive been told all the info
2,933 ThesaturnaerospaceRedo
UPDATE: Engine 2 was bad at launch, and had bad pressure during decent
4,811 TweedleAerospace
@Thesaturnaerospace I was watching it. It isn’t certain that the FTS activated though. It could have been something else. It was most likely due to the engines though.
2,933 ThesaturnaerospaceRedo
@Tweedle_Aerospace look at everyday astronaughts live stream
2,933 ThesaturnaerospaceRedo
@MitusAreospace yea looks like a gimbal problem, for engines 1 and 2
And another bites they dust, hey im gonna get you too @CASXA