Does anyone know how I can accurately roll my rocket to any heading? I have tried a few different things and none seem to work accurately.
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4,811 TweedleAerospace
@JSO18 so I typically use a little proportional based controller that starts out by getting to the bank angle I want and then when it is the round of what I want than I do the same thing except for I do angular velocity but I typically just make angular zero. This works best for 0 degrees pitch but it is possible to calculate what it should be for pitches below 80 degrees + or -
3,679 JSO18
@Arstotzka I just need a script to make the rocket stay at it’s starting roll heading, that way when the rocket is gliding to the landing pad the fins will still have the correct orientation to control the rocket.
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@JSO18 ok then it really isn’t possible. The game stops calculating it accurately and with any sense or pattern at that point.