So i finally found out how to make a comment(yeah it’s off topic). So even though I worked hard(wellll had some help from @Zyvx on the body) on the light bike thought. One thing that happened over a week it was at like 20 downloads and a day later it like sprang up like above 100, BUT WHEN I SCROLLED DOWN ONlY ONE UPVOTE plz explain this!?

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    @Zyvx okay

    3.7 years ago
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    32.0k Zyvx

    Sometimes a low upvote count can be discouraging on something, sometimes my generic stuff gets more upvotes than the stuff I really worked hard to make. The thing that keeps me moving forward in this game is that I love to build stuff in SR2, and chatting with my buddies, and the Jundroo crew devs and mods. When you find something you love to build, roll with it and expand upon it, regardless if it gets many upvotes or not. I had the same feeling about the lack of upvotes over a year ago, I wanted to go back to simple planes, but i decided i wasn't building stuff for the votes, I just wanted to build stuff in SR2, so I'm going to build and have fun, it's not a competition that I need points, I'm just having fun building and chatting. Hope this helps, I like seeing what you come up with.

    +1 3.7 years ago
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    @Infinite17 :/

    +1 3.7 years ago
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    15.7k Hylo

    Welcome to, don't expect more upvotes than downloads

    +1 3.7 years ago
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    @GSpace yeah maybe that’s why

    +1 3.7 years ago
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    10.1k GSpace

    Maybe many of the people that downloaded where unable to upvote because of not having an account or not having over 15 points. Or maybe they downloaded it and didn’t like it or maybe there were some bugs (no offence I think it’s really cool).

    +1 3.7 years ago

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