As of today, the central star of a system is the only body in the planetary system that gives off any light. Systems such as the Canaan Trinary system, and Extreme Galaxy system, have stars that function merely as planets. In the future that allows other bodies, in particular companion “stars” to give off their own light.

Potential settings for feature:
- adjustment for range of star light
- central star will have limited light range as as well
- option to alter color of star light
- option to alter temperature of star
- increase in render range of planets to allow for creation of red giants (current limit 1,000,000km)



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    I found a way to give stars the illusion of light. I can extend the range of the ambient light of the stars. I can also change the ambient light of the planets to match the light of the stars. My upcoming Canaan Trinary System 1.4 update will include said features.

    3.9 years ago
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    795 Onecubic

    This is excellent for planetary makers!

    3.9 years ago


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