Hi so, I'm having a lot of stress from school now, wich is kinda reducing my mental focus and capacity (literally xd), it got more difficult, but more than that, being honest I'm just not liking how the community is turning out to be, I don't have anything against other builders and groups, but we could say that the quality of builds in general are decreasing, or are actually increasing but it's not getting the attention it should have on the website, I'm also frustrating a lot with the game itself and I don't enjoy SR2 as I used to.
Due to all these reasons, I will be taking a break for an unknown period of time, perhaps when a new big update comes in I will be active again, but for now I'm leaving SR2, although you can communicate with me on SRC or DMS (Rafaele#3713)
I wish to all good luck, stay safe and enjoy the year!
@EffIcentRocketEngineering there’s a way to optimize things, just ask CardZ lol