So as always, every two weeks with the blog post by the devs, traffic on the site hits a big uptick. With that comes the major influx and tsunami wave of "kiddos" asking the devs lots of questions and posting in the forums.
Quick note: whenever I use kiddo, whether in the past or future, it means anyone without a sense of sense of surrounding when it comes to the forums/comments. It doesn't necessary refer to age, as I happen to know that there's a few teen/pre-teens that are very good with these common courtesys. Conversely I'm sure there are plenty of adults who aren't good with those. It's just generic "childish" hense the name.
So here are some simple things to keep in mind before posting...
- Does it break site rules? duh
Does what you're posting contain "upvote if..."? Even if it's to gain an on-site to how many people are interested in a project (ie "upvote if you want to see project x"). Let that happen naturally or let the project itself be worthy of upvotes.
Are you making multiple form posts advertising your discord/community/rp? Making a community is a great way to keep your love of the game going during off weeks. However making multiple form posts only saying "JOIN X" gets annoying. However if your community does or builds something cool, share it and link to your original "JOIN here" post.
Are you trying to host your own community through the public forms? (This is similar to above). Its understandable that this form may be the only place you can host your comunity, however just think about the frequentness of your posts. Golden rule stuff.
Is it a question? Generally these are fine, however if it's directly to the devs, make sure you mark the post as a question. And even then you might not have sucess getting a response. Generally I've found the highest response possibility is when posting your question on the latest blog post within a few days of it going up. Andrew does his very best to get to everyone, but he's also making a game, so nothing will happen for absolute sure. Also just check and see if he's commented about it before or Check out this FAQ with most notable things Andrew has said over the past 6 months.
Are you discussing recent blog posts? That's why the blog has a comment section. Use it. Really this is only good if you found something long and notable that not many others picked up on, and would be hard to fit into a concise comment.
Now. I don't want this to sound like I'm discouraging all creative independent posts. If you make something you want to share, share it! Let the forms decide what to upvote and like independently. Never go out of your way to put someone down for what they post. If it breaks the rules, just let them know.
Nothing much... just of its a question... for Andrew's socks' sake... Check this comment history. Or better yet, if it has to do with what the post is about, scroll down a little. I almost garentee you someone has asked the same question and it's been answered.
Other than that just be nice humans, golden rule stuff. Thanks rant over.
@MrTaco yeah I wrote it on mobile and only did a quick fix. Thanks