So I just watched @anubisspace video on 2nd Stage Recovery and thought it'd be interesting to just see how a normal tank reacts when coming from Orbit. I have a Saved Location of about 125km × 125km Orbit. I made a small retrograde burn so it would deorbit. In every attempt, the temperature isn't reaching a high enough temperature to be damaged, only exploding only if it impacts the ground.

Just wanted to ask if this is the case for everyone or just my situation.



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    @JSO18 Made me remember a certain time I pulled a Droonaut/Pilot from a craft on a Sub-orbital trajectory with a very high maximum altitude in the order of some hundreds or potentially a thousand kilometers, and allowed the Droonaut to go in free fall and got through the atmosphere without damage and managed to land on the ground with no explosion whatsoever 😂. This has made me regard the Droonaut as a Cyborg/Robot rather than an actual unenhanced human.😊

    +1 3.8 years ago
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    @Staticalliam7 It might be that. But also, the atmosphere settings as well. In Planet Studio though, the Droo gravity is close to that of Earth, but I guess it might be the way the physics is simulated I guess.

    I tried also deorbiting the same tank from low orbit in RSS Earth, and it produced results that were expected. But realised from Planet Studio that the daytime and night time temperatures were set quite high, at about over 300K, which would translate to, for instance, a day time temperature of about 56°C. Now I live in a warm-hot region being in Africa. It does get hot, but average temperatures do not go that high up.

    +1 3.8 years ago
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    3,554 vghfr

    tbh i think droo's gravity is too low

    3.8 years ago
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    @JSO18 I'm now considering doing the same myself actually.

    3.8 years ago
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    3,679 JSO18

    it is pretty easy to safely reenter from very high orbits with no heat shield at all in this game- I like to lower the max temperature with tinker panel on all of my parts sometimes to make reentry a little harder

    3.8 years ago
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    i’ve re-entered from huge orbits and experienced almost nothing

    3.8 years ago
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    @Hermes01000100 Great, thanks, figured that might be the reason.

    3.8 years ago
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    The lower the orbit you descend from, the lower the speed in which you enter the atmosphere. When you travel through the atmosphere at lower speeds, re-entry is less intense.

    3.8 years ago


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