Disclaimer: as of right now ChaoticGraviton has not given permission for me to do this. This is based off of experience with their Starship replicas. Especially ones with fin control.

Also I will add pictures in the future


  1. Lower your orbit to approximately 65 x 65 kilometer orbit. Don’t go to low.
  2. When you are ready go ahead and deorbit until it gives you an impact point.
  3. Before going ahead with two realize that you will miss your impact point by a lot. Lift forces will cause you to miss it by almost a quarter of Droo.


  1. Immediately go to 40 degrees pitch and roll over to heat shield-prograde orientation
  2. Enable auto control surfaces and all other control devices such as gyros and Reaction Control Systems immediately
  3. Disable Vactors and enable Raptors
  4. Turn proportional under autopilot up to 200
  5. Let it fly for a little bit
  6. Don’t worry if you start going up. If you followed instructions this far you shouldn’t get out of the atmosphere.
  7. When under 2,500 m/s go to 50 degrees pitch in steps of 5 degrees
  8. Turn proportional down to 50
  9. Go to 0 pitch


  1. Turn on landing gear
  2. Full throttle
  3. Flip to retrograde until going almost vertical and then keep pitch at 90
  4. Land slowly

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